The Glo Podcast

Ease eco-anxiety: Your sustainability superpower can protect our planet

Episode Summary

In this Earth Day edition of The Glo Podcast, Lisa Brooks Mills welcomes climate leader Heather White back to The Glo Podcast to discuss her new book, One Green Thing: Discover Your Hidden Power to Help Save the Planet. In their conversation, they focus on eco-anxiety-—the feeling of concern and worry many people have about the climate crisis-—and how to alleviate that anxiety.

Episode Notes

The climate emergency can feel overwhelming, and eco-anxiety can bring on emotional paralysis. But you can feel better-—and do a lot of good—-by taking positive action.

Welcome to a special Earth Day edition of The Glo Podcast. Eco-activist Heather White returns to the show to talk about her new book, One Green Thing: Discover Your Hidden Power to Help Save the Planet.

Heather shares about the many forms eco-action can take, and she’ll also share how when you make active choices to address climate change, this can help make space for your emotions and help you cope with the climate crisis. The secret is to take consistent actions, however small. 


Heather White’s website 

Get your copy of One Green Thing

One Green Thing Instagram

Heather White Instagram

Climate Psychology Alliance 

IPCC Report: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change

IPCC Report: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

GLO classes:

Take Your Practice Outside - Earth Day collection

Earthing Meditation

Breathing With the Earth

Feel the Flow - Tao Yin 

Earth and Water - Hatha